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CheckMate (tm) -- Introductory User's Guide
Version 1.60
Released June 27, 1988
Copyright (c) 1986,87,88 by Custom Technologies
All Rights Reserved
1-800-541-6234 (Orders Only, 24 hrs/day)
(719) 260-0402 (Questions and Support)
Custom Technologies is a member of the
Association of Shareware Professionals
The CheckMate software is property of Custom Technologies. You
are granted a limited license to use this software on an
evaluation basis.
CheckMate is provided AS IS, with no warranty expressed or
implied. Custom Technologies specifically disclaims any and all
warranties including but not limited to fitness for a particular
1. Introduction.................................................2
1.1 Greetings
1.2 Features
1.3 Support
1.4 Other Products
2. Things You Need to Know......................................5
2.1 The Bottom Line
2.2 The Pull-Down Menu System
2.3 The Help System
2.4 Date Formats
2.5 Editing in CheckMate
3. Installing CheckMate.........................................7
3.1 Hardware Requirements
3.2 File Paths
4. Running CheckMate............................................8
4.1 Setting Up Accounts
4.2 Entering and Editing Transactions
4.3 Generating Reports
4.4 Financial Calculator
4.5 Setup
5. Final Thoughts..............................................17
Appendix A.....................................................18
CheckMate (tm) Introductory User's Guide 1
1.1 Greetings
Greetings! Welcome to CheckMate, a full-featured, interactive
home financial program.
CheckMate is designed to help you keep an accurate track of your
personal financial activity... no more will you have to "guess" at
your balance, or labor furiously to make your checkbook match your
bank statement. CheckMate will record and maintain your
transactions, with full editing capabilities at your fingertips.
It will sort and print reports, search for selected items, help
you reconcile your statements, and even print your checks for you.
Your balances are automatically updated and reported, and your
records are accurate to the penny... guaranteed!
1.2 Features
- Uses intuitive pull-down menu system
- Supports up to eight accounts simultaneously
(total number of accounts is limited only by disk space)
- Supports Checking and Savings accounts
- Up to 32,767 transactions may be active per account
- Prints reports in standard format or in Borland Intl's
Traveling SideKick (tm) format
- Reports and Checks may be printed in PICA, ELITE or
- Transactions may be edited or printed and search criteria
may be specified on ANY field in the transaction
- Check printer supports continuous feed AND standard checks
(YOU define the check printing in the Check Set-Up form
and can use your own checks!)
- Allows 100 predefined transactions that can be called up
at a keystroke (such as mortgage payments, utility
bills, etc)
- Provides a financial calculator for quick figures on
loans, regular deposit accounts, and compounding
- Helps you reconcile your accounts when your statements
arrive, and prints a complete report of outstanding
- Includes extensive, context sensitive on-line help
CheckMate is very intuitive, and you should be able to evaluate it
effectively with this user's guide and the built-in context
sensitive HELP. We suggest that you make good use of the HELP
system by pressing the <F1> key (note that some help screens have
multiple pages, use <PgUp> and <PgDn> to move back and forth
through the message). Additional documentation is available,
however, and may be obtained by registering. The complete manual
is much more detailed than this introductory guide, and includes a
CheckMate (tm) Introductory User's Guide 2
"quick start tutorial" as well as a "commonly asked questions"
We hope you enjoy CheckMate!
Tim Bougan
President, Custom Technologies
1.3 Support
CheckMate, like many other fine "shareware" products, has been
released by its authors to the public for evaluation. We allow
and encourage free copying and distribution of the program (in its
un-altered original form). We are committed to supporting and
improving CheckMate, as well as developing additional products.
If you find CheckMate useful, you should register your copy. The
shareware concept is meant to provide a full working copy to the
user for evaluation, and NOT to give away the author's hard work.
If you choose not to register, then erase or pass your copy on to
someone else. You can register by sending $29.95 (plus $3
shipping and handling).
When you register, you will be placed on our mailing list and will
receive a new disk and a complete, 112-page illustrated User's
Guide. The User's Guide is 5.5"x8.5", glossy covered, typeset,
offset press printed, and saddle stitched. You will also receive
the latest version of CheckMate on disk and be eligible for
telephone support. We also offer low cost upgrades and discounts
on future products to registered users.
We accept checks, money orders, CODs, MasterCard, and VISA. Make
checks payable to Custom Technologies. Colorado residents please
add 3% sales tax. Send your registration and all other
correspondence to:
Custom Technologies
PO Box 62118
Colorado Springs, CO 80962-2118
(719) 260-0402
You may also order our products (charge cards or COD) by calling
1-800-541-6234 (Orders Only)
If you are outside the United States and can't call toll free, you
may reach our order line at:
(719) 597-8389 (Orders Only)
This line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have
CheckMate (tm) Introductory User's Guide 3
questions, want to make a quantity or dealer purchase, or if you
need support, call:
(719) 260-0402
Thank you for your support!
1.4 Other Products
We also have released CheckMate-GL, a fully functional, multiple-
entry general ledger (accounting) package that integrates with
CheckMate. If you need a more detailed break-down of your
expenses and rev